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Day 4

February 20 || Lent 2021

And leaving everything behind, he got up and followed him.

– Luke 5:28

Secret to living Lent to its fullest

With the pandemic keeping some of us at home, Lent might feel different. But Lent isn’t a feeling. It is an invitation to mercy and action. Learn more on how you can live this Lenten season to the fullest.

Read Here


And call God first, so you can immerse yourself in His love and give it to others. 

Will you call those who are in need?



Llama a Dios primero, para que puedas sumergirte en Su amor y así darlo a los demás.

¿Llamarás a aquellos que te necesitan?


Journey with your LA Catholics family this Lent. Use our bilingual Lenten resources to help keep your eyes focused on Jesus and learn to trust in his abundant love and mercy.

Find Lenten Resources Here