Journey with your LA Catholics family this Lent. Use our bilingual Lenten resources to help keep your eyes focused on Jesus and learn to trust in his abundant love and mercy.
If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
-Luke 9:23
The gate that takes us to our Lord and helps us develop a friendship with him. Prayer gives us a place where we can place our hopes and fears and intercede for those we love. Prayer helps us expand our hearts, to come to know the Lord and then share that love in return!
Will you pray for those who are lonely?
La puerta que nos lleva a nuestro Señor y nos ayuda a desarrollar una amistad con él. La oración nos da un lugar donde podemos poner nuestras esperanzas y temores e interceder por aquellos a quienes amamos. ¡La oración nos ayuda a expandir nuestro corazón, a llegar a conocer al Señor y a cambio compartir ese amor!
¿Orarás por los que están solos?