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Ash Wednesday || 17 February 2021

Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart.

-Joel 2:12

God’s will for us this Lent

Our challenge is to trust in Jesus, to believe in his love for us, to believe that he has a plan for our lives, and to entrust ourselves totally to him, seeking his will in all things. We enter into Lent for a second year now under the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic. Since last Lent, we have seen our lives disrupted and disordered by this deadly disease. Our faith has been tried and tested in many ways. My prayer this year is that we will make this Lent a time to renew our trust in the Lord, to strengthen our confidence in God’s personal love for each one of us.

Read Archbishop's Lenten Reflection


That place where we can encounter God. That place where we remove ourselves from the world to focus on Him.

Will you fast from the noise?

Loving Jesus,
Walk with us as we make our journey
through the desert of this Lenten season.
When we feel lost and alone,
help us to hear your tender voice calling our name.
When we encounter the brokenness in our world,
inspire us to respond with generous hearts and kind words.
When we are distracted by the noise of this world,
enable us to depend on you for answers.
In all moments, teach us to trust in you
so that as we make our earthly journey
we may come to know of your love and mercy
and one day soak in the heavenly light
with you forever. Jesus, I trust in you.



Ese lugar donde podemos encontrar a Dios. Ese lugar donde nos alejamos del mundo para centrarnos en Él.

¿Ayunarás del ruido?

Amado Jesús
Camina con nosotros mientras hacemos nuestro viaje
a través del desierto de esta época de Cuaresma.
Cuando nos sintamos perdidos y solos,
ayúdanos a escuchar Tu tierna voz que nos llama por nuestro nombre.
Cuando nos encontremos con la rotura en nuestro mundo,
inspíranos a responder con corazones generosos y palabras amables.
Cuando nos distraigamos por el ruido de este mundo,
permítenos depender de Ti para obtener respuestas.
En todo momento, enséñanos a confiar en Ti
para que a medida que hacemos nuestro viaje terrenal
podamos llegar a conocer de Tu amor y misericordia
y un día empaparnos Contigo y para siempre de la luz celestial.
Jesús, en Ti confío.



Lent is a time for believing, for welcoming God into our lives and allowing him to “make his dwelling” among us.

-Pope Francis, 2021 Lenten Message


Journey with your LA Catholics family this Lent. Use our bilingual Lenten resources to help keep your eyes focused on Jesus and learn to trust in his abundant love and mercy.

Find Lenten Resources Here