Advent and Christmas are my absolute favorite seasons of the year! It’s time for a new start, a reminder of God’s love incarnated! A reminder that God wanted to be so close to us that he sent his Son. God loves us so much that he wanted to be among us. On November 28, 2020 we received the sacrament of Marriage. Praise God! What a joyous moment it was for Andrew (Andy) and I! I don’t think I have ever felt God this close to me for any sacrament! Retrospectively, I can say that it’s because of preparation.
November 28, 2020 was the last day before we entered into this new liturgical year. It’s beautiful to know now that before entering such a wonderful season, God wanted to prepare my heart and my husband’s heart for this new journey together. I did not make this connection when we chose the date but let me tell you, praying with scriptures this season is a reminder of the preparation that is necessary to welcome Jesus, especially in a Marriage. If you have attended a ceremony this year, you’ll notice a difference. The groom is not waiting for the bride at the altar. They have the option of each walking in with their parents or walking in together. My husband and I decided to walk in together. He and I were alone for a period of time before entering and we prayed. At that moment, my heart settled (I was extremely nervous all morning because I was, you know, getting married). We felt prepared to start this journey and God assured us of that. I have felt this peace only a handful of times in my life, and this was one of those times.
When we prepare for Jesus to come into our home, we are telling God that we want to be showered by his abundant love and that we are ready for it. So how do we prepare when we know that God loves us no matter what? The preparation involves taking a closer look at how we are living out our life. A talk from a person really touched me. In the video, he told his friend that he wanted to get to heaven and that he needed to change habits in his life in order to get there. I sat with that for a few weeks because it struck me and I told Andy one day, I want to get to heaven and I want everyone I know to get there too! Lately, my prayer has been asking God to send us the people in life who can help us do His will and to give us the experiences we need in order to fulfill His will. I pray that this year, unlike any other year, you feel God showering you with his abundant love. I pray you feel it especially after all the preparation he has helped you to do in your life. Prepare those muscles so you can flex them (For those who attended the webinar we hosted with Mike Patin, you know what I’m referring to!)
Preparing for things in life can only be a good thing, a great thing! As difficult and challenging as it may be, remember that God wants us to be ready. He will give us things in life to prepare us for what is coming.
What are you doing differently this year, to welcome Jesus? Are you prepared to receive such abundant love from God? Are you prepared to share with others that abundant love? There are many resources out there to help you along the way!