Bobby Vidal
Director, New Evangelization
A series of evangelizing experiences for any adult who is curious about Jesus or seeking to deepen their relationship with Him. You can participate in one or all three virtual experiences (available in English & Spanish).
A four-week small group experience that explores the liberating truths found in Jesus’ Death on the Cross and His Resurrection from the dead.
A four-week small group experience that explores the cost and abundance of the life Jesus offers by his invitation to follow him.
An extended process that discerns your charisms, or spiritual gifts.
A five-week virtual experience inspired by the important role Ananias played in St. Paul’s journey to Jesus (Acts 9:10-19) that teaches “the art of accompaniment.” (Evangelii Gaudium 169.)
A virtual Gospel reflection process that connects the Gospel with life through prayer and small-group conversation using Zoom small breakout rooms (parishes can offer this in any language). Training is available to help parishes get started.
A nine-month process, in collaboration with the Office of Religious Education Youth Ministry Division, for you to learn the meaning of discipleship and how to make disciples through formation, prayer, and small-group processes (available in English & Spanish).
An online Gospel reflection process using Zoom small breakout rooms. This virtual training equips parish leaders to start a Gospel Hangout group in your parish (available in English & Spanish).
We create and facilitate unique formation and retreat experiences for parish ministry leaders, catechetical leaders, and Catholic school teachers and staff.
As a voice for shared leadership models, we offer opportunities for discernment, formation, support, and resources for Pastoral Associates (PA) and Parish Life Directors (PLD). This community of lay ecclesial ministers gathers for weekly prayer time, monthly support, and ongoing formation experiences.
Director, New Evangelization
Associate Director, New Evangelization
Spanish Evangelization Coordinator
Associate Director of Queen of Angels Center for Priestly Formation, Evangelization Consultant
Spiritual Formation Consultant
Administrative Assistant