Wife of the deacon

Diaconate Formation

The wife of a man in formation has a two-fold role in the formation of her husband, and his subsequent life, as a Deacon. In pursuing a diaconal vocation, a married man must obtain his wife’s written consent for entrance into the program and along each of the steps along the way, which include the Calls to Candidacy, Lector, Acolyte and Ordination. The wife is an equal partner in the Sacrament of Matrimony and great attention is given during formation toward the spousal relationship and its Sacramental growth. While the spouse is not being called to ordained ministry in the Church, her role includes providing support and integrating the changes that may affect their marriage and family life.

As a woman, the spouse has her own intellectual, spiritual, and human needs. These are addressed in specialized opportunities for the wives.



Deacon & Wife

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