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National Certificate Program in Youth Ministry Studies

July 13, 2020 - July 15, 2020

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The Youth Ministry Division is please to announce that the National Certificate Program (NCP) in Youth Ministry Studies 2020 will be offered as a blended learning program.

The traditional courses (2 days of in-person instruction for each course) have been re-configured to allow for a combination of live instruction and online courses. The learning from 2 traditional courses is done through 2 live courses and 1 online course.

Live courses are 7 hours of instruction spread over three days. They are done in real-time using all the features of a Zoom classroom to engage participants in the learning process.

Live Zoom Courses #1 and #2:
Principles of Youth Ministry July 13, 14, 15  6:00 – 8:20 pm
Practices of Youth Ministry July 27, 28, 29 6:00 – 8:20 pm

Online Course #1: Visioning for Catholic Youth Ministry

Offered over 4 weeks from August 10th – September 3rd (Participate each week on your own schedule. Total time needed is approximately 2 ½ hours per week)

For more information and to see the details about the pricing click here.


  1. Maximum flexibility to participate in the most comprehensive Catholic youth ministry training program in North America
  2. Access this training anywhere you can log in to the internet
  3. Save $100 if you take all the 2020 courses (total cost is $500 instead of $600 for the 4 traditional courses)

For more information and to see the details about the pricing click here.


July 13, 2020
July 15, 2020
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Los Angeles, CA 90010 United States
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