Beauty Within

LA Catholics Original Podcast Series

Allow yourself to stroll a bit with these ladies to the deeper regions of the soul, where essential human questions linger. I hope you’ve enjoyed these conversations.

-Dr. Masko

Join LA Catholics and Dr. John Masko, physician, psychiatrist as he interviews Catholic nuns – Cistercians or Trappistines- in Wrentham, Massachusetts. They have a chapel on the property for their worship and there’s provision for the public to attend services. One day he attended one of their services and was “assaulted” by the behavior of these sisters. He heard laughter coming from the hidden areas beyond the chapel after the service and had an immediate complex reaction, the leading edge of which was bemused irritation. The sisters had a joyous laugh, a pure laugh, the kind that is rare.

Dr. Masko didn’t understand how nuns who had run away from life, stuck in a “prison” for decades could laugh in such a joyful way. To learn more about the Cistercians nuns he contacted the reverend mother of the community and asked to talk with 12 sisters for a series of individual meetings.

Beauty Within Website

Learn more about Dr. Masko’s interviews, and about the Cistercians nuns by visiting the Beauty Within website.

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‘The goal is love’

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