JANUARY 21, 2024
“… It is fitting, then that the life of our people be constantly marked by this decisive relationship with the living word that the Lord never tires of speaking to his Bride, that she may grow in love and faithful witness. Consequently, I hereby declare that the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time is to be devoted to the celebration, study and dissemination of the word of God. This Sunday of the Word of God will thus be a fitting part of that time of the year when we are encouraged to strengthen our bonds with the Jewish people and to pray for Christian unity. This is more than a temporal coincidence: the celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God has ecumenical value, since the Scriptures point out, for those who listen, the path to authentic and firm unity” (Pope Francis, Apostolic Letter, Aperuit Illis, nos 2-3, dated September 30, 2019)
Please find a copy the FDLC yearly resource for this occasion, on the link below:
Word of God Sunday 2024 Year B (PDF Version)
It contains:
- An introduction
- The full text of Pope Francis‘ Apostolic Letter
- Pastoral suggestions for parish observances
- Music suggestions
- Sample Intercessions for the Universal Prayer
- Suggestions for further reading — articles and Church documents
- A formation piece — an outline of the four volumes of the Lectionary for Mass
More resources are available below:
- Click Herefor resources from the USCCB
- ADLA Lector Guidelines
- Normas Para Lectores de ADLA
- Scripture & Liturgy – USCCB
- Blessing of Readers may take place after the homily. Please see Book of Blessings, Ch. 61. This is a good opportunity for Readers/Lectors to renew their commitment to the ministry.
- Understanding the Bible
- Hearing the word of God
- Enthroning the Bible in the Family ritual
- Teaching Aids by Christopher Chapman
- Liturgical and Pastoral Handbook for Word of God Sunday
Pope Francis on “The Word of God”
- General Audience of 31 January 2018 | Francis (vatican.va)
- General Audience of 7 February 2018 | Francis (vatican.va)
- General Audience of 14 February 2018 | Francis (vatican.va)
- Escuchando la Palabra de Dios
- Material Didáctico – Christopher Chapman
- Subsidio Litúrgico – Pastoral para Domingo de la Palabra de Dios
Videos for Lectors:

Videos en Español: