Video Projection in Liturgical Celebration

Guidelines for the Use of Video Projection in Liturgical Celebration

OFW Guidelines


  1. One of the cornerstones of the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council was the desire “that all the faithful should be led to that full, conscious, and active participation in the liturgical celebrations” (SC, #14). In doing so, the focus of the celebration must always be on the liturgy itself. The proper dignity and character of the liturgy must always be maintained. Music, art, environment, and technology play an essential role in both fostering active participation and promoting the proper dignity of the liturgy.
  2. Technology can play an essential role in the liturgy. However, if used incorrectly or inappropriately, it can become a superfluous distraction which can quickly and easily diminish the essential dignity of the liturgy.
  3. These guidelines are meant to serve as a foundation for the proper implementation of technology within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles


  1. Before starting any projection project, parishes/locations are to acquire the proper permissions and licenses for all content that will be used. Copying music and words from a hymnal or missal, photographs, designs or clipart found online, art reproductions in a book, or even an image of stained glass or sculptures at a local parish, without seeking and obtaining permission from those who hold the rights is unlawful. Obtaining permission for all images, videos, sounds and texts to be used in each projection might require an agreement with more than one person or organization. Additionally, it is important to know that copyright owners require payment for a license to use their property and that they frequently do not provide instant responses to requests. Lastly, “Fair use” is strictly limited to certain educational contexts and live performance of music during religious service inside a worship space. See the Administrative Handbook, 10.4 for more guidance. Contact the Office for Divine Worship for assistance with copyright if there are questions.

Guidelines for the Use of Video Projection in Liturgical Celebration

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For more detail content on copyright, you may watch the recorded training below. To acquire the access code, please contact Victor Wheeler at

Click on the image to see Zoom Training


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