St. John Fisher School

5446 Crest Rd.
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275-5027 United States

(310) 377-2800

View Parish/School Website

our school






St. John Fisher School works in partnership with parents to provide a quality Catholic education for its students. We promote academic excellence in our standards-based curriculum and provide an atmosphere conducive to learning in which each student feels valued. We believe each child is a unique creation of God, and are committed to developing each student’s gifts by offering support, inspiration, and a variety of curricular and extra-curricular activities.

SJF empowers students to strengthen their personal relationship with Christ by modeling the Catholic faith and integrating Catholic values and traditions throughout the school day and the school year. We help our students recognize and adopt strong moral values and take an active role in their personal development.


In partnership with parents, St. John Fisher School is dedicated to teaching the Catholic faith, promoting academic excellence, and producing caring, contributing, cooperating community builders. Our daily emphasis is:

“Go in peace to love and serve the Lord and one another.”

School Contacts


Anne-Marie Hudani