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Sacred Heart School (V)

10770 Henderson Rd.
Ventura, CA 93004-1832 United States

(805) 647-6174

View Parish/School Website

our school





Mission Statement

Centered in Jesus Christ and committed to trusting in His Sacred Heart, the community of Sacred Heart School—students, families, and staff—share in efforts to create:

  • an atmosphere guided by values, principles, and challenges arising from living the Gospel;
  • relationships based in respect, reverence, and support for each person and all peoples;
  • a strong, innovative curriculum, which promotes personal growth, critical thinking, and global responsibility.
Statement of Philosophy

Supporting the family in its role as the primary educators, and believing in the call to evangelize, Sacred Heart School seeks to educate the whole child through the academic subjects and the teachings of the Catholic Church, to pray, to serve, and to lead.

Students will be challenged to develop the ability to think critically, to achieve their potential and to apply acquired knowledge in their daily lives.

Students will experience opportunities for Christian service, planning and executing ministry activities, and forming habits and intentions of continuing Christian service throughout their lives.

Students will interact with peers and members of the larger community, growing in respect and concern for the rights and dignity of all people.

Students will experience opportunities to develop their physical abilities so that their intellectual growth may flourish. Students will accept, respect and safeguard their bodies as gifts from God.

School Contacts


Christine Benner