All Saints School

3420 Portola Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90032-2216 United States

(323) 225-7264

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our school





All Saints Catholic School, an integral part of the Catholic community, is dedicated to helping each student develop a sense of self worth and to reach his/her potential, enabling him/her to be academically prepared to assume a responsible and fulfilling role in society. While we recognize that parents are the primary educators, we, as co-educators, facilitate the learning process by accepting the challenge of creating a faith community where spiritual growth in knowledge of Catholic principles, scripture, moral teachings, and participation in the sacramental life of the Church becomes a lived reality. From this flows a Catholic Christian identity where students respect and value all cultures, giving service to others, and working together for peace and justice. Our student-centered learning environment focuses on our philosophy and student learning expectations; thus, developing all aspects of our students’ growth, enabling them to become responsible Catholic Christian persons who will make a difference in the world.

School Contacts


Maria Palermo