The Archdiocese of Los Angeles’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace announced today that The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles, will receive the fifth annual OneLife LA Service Grant of $10,000 to support its mission, which states that “every person has a sanctity and dignity that cannot be diminished by illness or disability, and cannot be limited by race, age, sex or social condition.” The grant will be presented on Saturday, January 20, 2024, in downtown Los Angeles, where Archbishop José H. Gomez will be joined by thousands of supporters to experience inspiring testimonials and performances at the 10th year anniversary celebration of OneLife LA, themed “10 Years Together as ONE.”
The Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles exemplifies the mission of OneLife LA through their pastoral work at the Santa Teresita Assisted Living in Duarte, California. What began as a tuberculosis sanatorium for young women and girls in the 1930s has transitioned into Santa Teresita’s Neighborhood of Care specializing in healthcare for seniors in assisted living. Their mission is rooted in shared values and steadfast adherence to the ethical principles of the Catholic Church. They are dedicated to the physical, spiritual, and relational needs of each resident and strive to provide the most homelike and supportive environment possible so they may thrive during their golden years. It is because of these steadfastly held principles that families throughout the United States have made Santa Teresita an option of choice for their loved one.
“We are filled with joy to award this year’s OneLife LA grant to the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles. We recognize the tremendous gift that the Sisters have been to people of Los Angeles. The Carmelite Sisters and professional staff at Santa Teresita are truly dedicated to respecting all stages of human life. They have created an environment of care, support, and love for those they serve,” said Michael P. Donaldson, Senior Director of the Archdiocese’s Office of Life, Justice, and Peace.