National Eucharistic Congress

July 17-21, 2024

2024 Regional Presentation
Eucharist - Highlight
A vital moment in both American history and the legacy of our Church.

The National Eucharistic Congress, is set to take place in Indianapolis, Indiana from July 17 to July 21, 2024. This is a momentous event that will gather faithful from across the nation to celebrate and deepen our understanding of the profound and central mystery of the Catholic faith – the Holy Eucharist.

Together clergy, religious, and laypeople from all walks of life will explore the depth of the Eucharistic mystery, foster unity in the Church, and ignite a renewed passion for the sacrament that lies in the heart of Catholic worship.

This will be a unique opportunity for all attendees to deepen their understanding of the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. We invite all Catholics to join us in this profound and transformative experience.

El Congreso Eucarístico Nacional se llevará a cabo en Indianápolis, Indiana, del 17-21 de julio de 2024. Este es un evento trascendental que reunirá a fieles de todo el país para celebrar y profundizar nuestra comprensión del profundo y central misterio de la Fe católica – la Sagrada Eucaristía.

Juntos, clérigos, religiosos y laicos de todos los ámbitos de la vida explorarán la profundidad del misterio eucarístico, fomentarán la unidad en la Iglesia y encenderán una pasión renovada por el sacramento que se encuentra en el corazón de la liturgia Católica.

Esta será una oportunidad única para que todos los asistentes profundicen su comprensión de la Presencia Real de Cristo en la Eucaristía – fuente y cumbre de nuestra fe. Invitamos a todos los católicos a unirse a nosotros en esta experiencia profunda y transformadora.

View the flyers to register and get further information. English || Spanish (PDF Versions)

We look forward to gather as pilgrims from the Los Angeles Archdiocese to this inspiring event that celebrates the heart of our Catholic faith.

Eucharistic Revival: Catholic leaders are praying for its success

The American bishops launched an ambitious program called the Eucharistic Revival to face up to the problem and bolster faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament — body and blood, soul and divinity, as an old formula has it.

Read on Angelus News
Here are other helpful docs as your parish promotes the NEC to the faithful.

National Eucharistic Congress Official Website

Registration is now open for the 10th National Eucharistic Congress. Learn more about this congress and register now!

Visit Website Here