Bobby Vidal
Director, New Evangelization

Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Vision of Evangelization
Hear. Give. Go.
To Hear Jesus’ call to be His Disciples.
To Give your entire life over to Jesus as His Disciple.
To Go and make disciples of Jesus.
The Office of New Evangelization and Parish Life offers 3 modes of accompaniment.
A nine-month relationship with Archdiocesan offices to accompany you in seeing a new vision for parish life and understanding the disciple-making process.
Accompanying Archdiocesan Offices (Download PDF to access the flyer)
A nine-month relationship with pastors, parish staff, and ministry leaders to accompany you in becoming an evangelizing community that raises up new leaders, applies a disciple-making pathway to transform every aspect of parish life, and sends out missionaries to transform the world.
Accompanying Parishes (Download PDF to access the flyer)
We accompany you through the Missionary Discipleship Pathway. The Missionary Discipleship Pathway is a series of evangelizing experiences for any adult who is curious about Jesus or seeking to deepen their relationship with Him.
Missionary Discipleship Pathway (Download PDF to access the flyer)
Click here, for more information on how to sign-up and join the Missionary Discipleship Pathway.
Additional Resources:
Director, New Evangelization
Associate Director, New Evangelization
Spanish Evangelization Coordinator
Associate Director of Queen of Angels Center for Priestly Formation, Evangelization Consultant
Spiritual Formation Consultant
Administrative Assistant