
LA Catholics Make an Impact

“The coronavirus pandemic hit families very hard. People who never worried before, found themselves with housing and food insecurity, affected by this terrible illness, or suffering from anxiety. Our LA Catholic community has come together with volunteers, resources, and new opportunities for helping. We are grateful for the sacrifices and generosity of so many that continue to help those in need, those who are sick and those who are lonely. Through these works of mercy, we bring Christ’s love to our community.”
-Kathleen Domingo, Senior Director
Office of Life, Justice and Peace

LA Catholics Make an Impact: COVID-19 One Year Report (March 2020-2021)

In response to the need among the community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and the entire community of faith through Catholic ministries and agencies, have come together to provide assistance, support and essential services to brothers and sisters in need throughout the past year of this crisis. We are grateful for the outpouring of love and mercy and continue to pray for all those affected by the pandemic.

View English Report Here

LA Catholics Hacen un Impacto: Informe Anual de COVID-19 (Marzo 2020-2021)

En respuesta a la necesidad de la comunidad por la pandemia de COVID-19, la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, y toda la comunidad de fe a través de ministerios y agencias católicas, se han unido para proporcionar asistencia, apoyo y servicios esenciales a los hermanos y hermanas necesitados durante el último año de esta crisis. Estamos agradecidos por el derrame de amor y misericordia y seguimos orando por todos los afectados por la pandemia.

Ver Reporte en Español Aquí

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