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Serra High gets another experiment launched into outer space

Students at Junipero Serra High School in Gardena held a viewing party on March 21 to watch another of their experiments launched to the International Space Station.

On Aug. 1, 2023, Serra High students Isaiah Dunn, Christopher Holbert, Travis Leonard, Anderson Pecot, and Henry Toler saw their first experiment — attempting to get a seed to germinate and grow in space — launched on a SpaceX rocket as part of NASA’s International Space Station Program.

This year’s project involved the same five students plus newcomers Keith Davie, Jonathan Cruz, and Sasha Leverett and incorporated 3D printing in microgravity. The experiment will be studied at the International Space Station for a month before being returned to students for further analysis. Kenneth Irvine, science teacher and Science Department chair at Serra, worked closely with the students to get the project up and running.

Read full article on Angelus News.