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Changing the world at OneLife LA

I know this is wishful thinking, but as I walked amid the rain and the throngs at the 10th annual OneLife LA, I wished that my friends, acquaintances, and yes, even family members, who are not pro-life, were there beside me. I thought how good it would have been for those on the opposite end of this issue to see the pro-life movement up close and personal. As has been proven countless times, when the media, the arts, and the academy are so strongly allied on the other side of this issue, being pro-life can seem like an uphill battle.

If those who revolve in the orbit of “choice” had been there on that rainy day, they would not have seen a seven-headed hydra of anger, repression, and rigidity — which is the characterization of the pro-life movement in so many strata of popular culture. They would not have even seen “warriors” preparing for battle. Instead, they would have seen a crowd of people that satisfied any college admissions DEI demands, and they would have seen joy.

Due to the rain, they would have also seen a Fellini-esque tableau of bouncing and swaying umbrellas as the walk wound its way from the Plaza in front of Olvera Street to the Los Angeles State Historic Park.

Read full article on Angelus News.