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A biblical scholar almost by accident

New Bishop Szkredka: A biblical scholar almost by accident

When Father Slawomir Szkredka was first approached 15 years ago about going to graduate school in Rome to study Scripture, he wasn’t exactly excited.

“Don’t you have something else for me to study?” Szkredka told Msgr. Craig Cox, Vicar for Clergy for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles at the time.

The young priest already had a master’s degree in philosophy, and had studied elements of Buddhism as part of a doctorate in Religious Studies from the University of the West in Rosemead. Scripture seemed “tedious,” and if he was going to pursue another doctorate degree, he would’ve chosen theology or philosophy.

“No, you’ll like it,” Cox predicted.

It turned out to be the start of a love story, of sorts.

Read full article on Angelus News.