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Bishop O’Connell connected with youth

From beaches to streets, Bishop O’Connell found ways to connect with youth

This story is part of a series featured in a commemorative issue honoring Bishop David O’Connell. Read more stories at the Bishop Dave Commemorative Issue web page.

“Jesus is calling you…”

Those words from the late Bishop David O’Connell at a prayer event compelled Amy Rodriguez to take a step forward that forever changed her faith.

“When I heard that, I immediately felt that Jesus was speaking through the bishop,” recalled Rodriguez, from St. Philip the Apostle Church in Pasadena. “While adoring the Blessed Sacrament, I was suddenly overcome with tears. They were the result of my soul recognizing that God was truly present in the host before me … there was profound peace.”

During his nearly 45 years as a priest in Los Angeles, reaching young people like Rodriguez was a top priority of O’Connell’s. From street evangelization to prayer on the beach, he was known for finding fresh ways to bring them closer to Christ.

Read full story on Angelus News.