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Episode 7

LA Catholic Stories Season 2, Episode #7

I know that if God is with me, everything is possible.

— Rosa Gonzalez

Habiendo escuchado del milagro Eucarístico ocurrido en Lanciano, Italia, Rosa Gonzalez anhelo que el mismo milagro sucediera en éste país para renovar la creencia de la verdadera presencia del Cristo en la Eucaristía.
Having heard of the Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano, Italy, Rosa Gonzalez, yearned for the same miracle to happen in this country, to reignite belief in Christ’s true presence in the Eucharist.

LA Catholic Stories

There are inspiring and powerful stories all around us. Priests, religious, and the lay faithful all have a story to tell. Each unique chapter bears witness to the love of Christ in their lives. The LACatholics digital team has set out to capture these stories and share them with you!

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