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Pro-life movement must focus on Democrats

The pro-life movement must focus on Democrats after Roe

Editor’s note: Ahead of the 49th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on Jan. 22, Angelus invited several Catholic pro-life advocates to weigh in on what pro-life advocacy should look like if the Court overturns Roe later this year. Their essays can be found here and in the Jan. 28 print issue of Angelus.

My “No Hidden Magenta” column last month focused on pro-lifers working to move the Republican Party in the direction of reducing abortion demand. I made the case that we should be pushing pro-life legislators to save prenatal lives and support mothers by getting on the side of paid family leave, assistance with child care, increased protections for women at work based on family status, and more.

There is very important work, particularly given that women living in many states do not have these protections and supports. But in some states (like California), much of what I called for is already in place — though pro-lifers need to do a better job making vulnerable women aware.

Read more on Angelus News.