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Day 39

March 27 || Lent 2021

He left for the region near the desert.

– John 11:54

An Honest Prayer

Father Ronald Rolheiser, reminds us that even in our darkest moments, in moments of anger, of solitude and what may seem like hopelessness – Jesus has been through it all. Through the Gospels, we see that Jesus knew right from the beginning what it meant to be the one standing alone.

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A sign of generosity and support of our Church. A way to help our fellow catholics. A call for all of us.

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Un signo de generosidad y apoyo a nuestra Iglesia. Una forma de ayudar a nuestros compañeros católicos. Una llamada para todos.


Flannery O’Connor and the relief of discovering our inner ‘Misfit’

Discover how O’Connor’s characters show us that there is no limit to God’s mercy.

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Journey with your LA Catholics family this Lent. Use our bilingual Lenten resources to help keep your eyes focused on Jesus and learn to trust in his abundant love and mercy.

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