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Hope for Post-Election Politics: Hospitality and Encounter

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Topic: Hope for Post-Election Politics: Hospitality and Encounter
Speaker: Charlie Camosy
Date and time: November 10 at 7pm pst

The 2020 presidential election signals the end of what has been a terribly divisive year. Many in the U.S. have withdrawn into opposing camps formed in part by antagonism toward others who hold different convictions. In this talk, Camosy, associate professor of theological and social ethics at Fordham University, will make the case that post-election, U.S. culture is ripe for a “politics of encounter”—one that can bring hope by replacing antagonism with a politics that starts with dialogue and a commitment to the fundamental equality of and respect for all human beings.

Julie Hanlon Rubio, author of Hope for Common Ground: Mediating the Personal and the Political in a Divided Church and Professor of Social Ethics at Santa Clara University, will join Camosy to respond. Camosy and Rubio will launch a dialogue about post-election hope and resources the Catholic tradition can offer for a politics that seeks common ground.  


Charles Camosy, PhD professor of Theology at Fordham University and author of Resisting Throwaway Culture: How a Consistent Life Ethic can Unite a Fractured People. His work on ethics and policy moves beyond stale and lazy arguments which artificially pit liberals and conservations against each other. Instead, Dr. Camosy finds common ground by unpacking the real complexities of some of today’s most passionately debated issues.

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Hope After the Pandemic: Building Solidarity, Resisting Throwaway Culture

Dr. Camosy, will be having another webinar. You can choose to attend one or both.

Learn More Here