“My dad always reminds me to stay close to God.”
In the last few months, our world has been challenged to step out of it’s comfort zone. We’ve adapted to a new normal during a pandemic and racism continues to affect our world. Think of your life right now. Are you surrounded by people who challenge you to get out of your comfort zone? Do you talk to others about how you feel when you get out of your comfort zone? Without knowing it, our responses and reactions to these challenges sprout from our childhood. Last month I reflected on ways that my mom inspires me and with Father’s day approaching, I’d like to tell you how my father inspires.
My father was born in El Salvador. His family was poor and they were living through a civil war in their country. He came to this country, not knowing the language or having a job. Eventually he built his life with my mom and his 4 children. Growing up, my dad told us stories of his struggles but, no matter the hardships, he always pointed out the good. Through building relationships, he acknowledges that life is not easy but overcoming adversity is not impossible.
I attribute a lot of my social personality to my dad. As I reflect on it, he taught me that skill without explicitly stating how to do it. I’m grateful that he made us get out of our comfort zones to experience life different than ours. My dad is a big reason why I love getting to know people at a personal level. I am humbled by the wisdom and experiences of others. I love embracing the diversity of cultures and I pray for a world that can become inclusive and not exclusive.
My dad always reminds me to stay close to God. He reiterates that no matter the decisions in life, invite God to that process. As people of faith, we know this but do we practice it? Are we making decisions through God’s eyes, with love? Are we able to listen to others stories without judgement or prejudice or better yet, without comparing our suffering? It’s hard to do when we are distracted by worldly noise. So step out of your comfort zone and intentionally make time to build the relationship with someone by asking them about their life. Do it with love. Do it to get to know your brother and sister in Christ.
The reflection question this week: How would I want people to remember me when I am no longer here?
God, our Father
Bless these men,
that they may find strength as fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honor them always
with a spirit of profound respect.
St. Joseph, pray for us!