Updated Liturgical Guidelines: Liturgies and Ministries (Updated: October 18, 2022)
The Coronavirus affected our lives in many ways, including the way we worship. As restrictions on gatherings have been lifted, we are overjoyed to return to a more normal liturgical experience. Thus, all previous liturgical guidelines given during the Coronavirus pandemic, 2020-2022, are abrogated immediately. Effective October 18, 2022. READ MORE HERE.
Actualización Guías Liturgicas: Liturgía y Ministerios (Actualizado 18 de octubre del 2022)
El coronavirus afectó nuestras vidas de muchas maneras, incluida la forma en que adoramos. A medida que se han levantado las restricciones a las reuniones, estamos encantados de volver a una experiencia litúrgica más normal. Por lo tanto, todas las pautas litúrgicas dadas anteriormente, durante la pandemia de Coronavirus, 2020-2022, se anulan de inmediato. Todo esto será a partir del 18 de octubre de 2022. LEER MÁS AQUI
Unity Across the Americas | COVID-19 Vaccine Education (Updated: August 24, 2021)
Pope Francis and six Cardinals and Archbishops from the US and Latin America have come together for a message of unity in support of COVID-19 vaccines and access for all. Learn more and view video here.
Latest COVID-19 Update
Updated Guidelines on Liturgical Celebrations and Religious Services (Updated: August 7, 2021)
In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, we have adapted how we have lived our daily lives, as well as the ways we worshiped as a Church. Our priority continues to be our need to care for and protect one another. As certain restrictions have been lifted and others reimposed, all parishes and Pastors are to implement the new guidelines with prudence, following public health precautions, and with the safety and wellbeing of their parishioners in mind. Accordingly, face coverings must be used indoors for the safety and protection of all people regardless of vaccination status in accordance with the mandates of the Counties of Los Angeles and Santa Barbara and the cities of Pasadena and Long Beach. Face coverings must be used indoors by unvaccinated individuals in Ventura County. READ MORE HERE.
Última actualización de COVID-19
Actualización Recomendaciones para las Celebraciones Litúrgicas y Servicios Religiosos (Actualizado 7 de agosto de 2021)
Frente a la pandemia del coronavirus, hemos adaptado la forma en que vivimos nuestra vida diaria, así como la forma en que adoramos como Iglesia. Nuestra prioridad sigue siendo nuestra necesidad de cuidarnos y protegernos unos a otros. Mientras ciertas restricciones han sido levantadas y otras reimpuestas, todas las parroquias y párrocos deben implementar con prudencia las nuevas recomendaciones, siguiendo las precauciones de salud pública, y teniendo en cuenta la seguridad y el bienestar de sus feligreses. Además, se deben usar los cubrebocas en el interior de las parroquias para la seguridad y la protección de todas las personas, independientemente de su estatus de vacunación según los mandatos de los Condados de Los Ángeles y de Santa Bárbara y de las ciudades de Pasadena y de Long Beach. En el Condado de Ventura, las personas que no se hayan vacunado deben usar cubrebocas adentro de las iglesias. Leer Más Aquí
Latest COVID-19 (Update July 16, 2021)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With the current increase of COVID-19 cases in Los Angeles County, the Archdiocese has decided to follow the L.A. County Health Department in requiring everyone to wear a mask indoors at our L.A. County parishes, offices and schools effective Saturday, July 16, 2021, at 11:59 pm.
Ventura and Santa Barbara counties have not issued a “mandate,” but they continue to recommend that the public wear masks.
Please update your parish safety plans accordingly and remind our faith community that we all have a responsibility to care for one another.
For any additional questions, please contact our COVID response team:
Marina A. Macchiagodena – Mamacchiagodena@la-archdiocese.org or Isaac Cuevas – icuevas@la-archdiocese.org
God bless,
Rev. Brian Nunes
Moderator of the Curia & Vicar General
Última actualización de COVID-19
A medida que se remueven ciertas restricciones y que las parroquias reabren por completo, nuestra prioridad, como ha sido durante esta pandemia, es nuestra necesidad de cuidarnos y protegernos unos a otros. Todas las parroquias y párrocos deben implementar las nuevas recomendaciones con prudencia, usando precauciones sensatas y teniendo en cuenta la seguridad y el bienestar de sus feligreses. Leer Más Aquí
Latest COVID-19 Update
Updated Liturgical Guidelines During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Updated: June 12, 2021)
As certain restrictions are lifted and parishes more fully reopen, our priority, as it has been throughout this pandemic, is our need to care for and protect one another. All parishes and Pastors are to implement the new guidelines with prudence, using sensible public health precautions, and with the safety and wellbeing of their parishioners in mind. These new guidelines, effective June 15, 2021, replace all previous guidelines established by the Archdiocese. Read more here.
Archbishop Gomez Letter Regarding Sunday Mass Update (12 June 2021 — 10:15 AM)
Click Here to Read Archbishop Gomez Letter
Updated Liturgical Guidelines During the Coronavirus Pandemic (Updated: April 16, 2021)
While the State of California has removed the capacity limits on the number of people who can attend indoor Mass, the faithful must continue to adhere to all other health guidelines, including six-foot social distancing between households, wearing facial masks, screening and cleaning protocols. Read more here.
Recent COVID-19 Updates
Latest In-Person Ministry Protocols Update (26 March 2021 — 11:20 AM)
English PDF
Spanish PDF
Latest In-Person Ministry Protocols Update (26 March 2021 — 11:20 AM)
English PDF
Spanish PDF
(12 March 2021 — 1:30 PM)
Click here to read the Liturgical Guidelines for Holy Week 2021 During the Coronavirus Pandemic. (En español)
(18 February 2021 — 7:30 PM)
Click here to read Appendix D – Los Angeles County Protocols for Office Worksites
(11 February 2021 — 7:30 PM)
In response to recent Supreme Court rulings, the State of California amended its Blueprint for a Safer Economy on February 6, 2021 with respect to Places of Worship and Cultural Ceremonies. Click here to find: Updated Liturgical Guidelines During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Updated February 11, 2021.
(17 January 2021 — 10:00 AM)
As we prepare for the holy season of Lent beginning with Ash Wednesday on February 17, please see (linked here) the protocol for the distribution of ashes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles during the COVID-19 pandemic. (En español)
Please click on the links below to access the latest resources and guidelines:
–Updated Liturgical Guidelines During the Coronavirus Pandemic
-Parish Office Return to Work Safety Protocols
–Covid-19 Guidelines for Parishes and Schools
–Parish Liturgical Guidelines (Tier System)
–Report Form
COVID-19 Update (13 July 2020 — 9:30 PM)
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has announced updated guidelines to limit the spread of COVID-19 among its faith community given new guidelines set by State of California and local county officials. Parishes in all three counties in the Archdiocese —Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara—are included in the Directives will discontinue indoor Masses and other liturgical services, effective immediately in accordance with state directives.
Outdoor Masses and other liturgical services such as adoration and prayer services are allowed and encouraged. Parishes may continue to celebrate Confessions, First Communions, Confirmations, Funerals, and Weddings outdoors on the parish grounds.
Click here to read the new guidelines. (En español)
COVID-19 Update (10 July 2020 — 12:00 PM)
Administrators announced Friday that some COVID-19-related restrictions on funeral Masses, visitation hours, and graveside services are being lifted at Catholic cemeteries and mortuaries in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara counties. Read the Angelus News story here.
COVID-19 Update (15 June 2020 — 6:00 PM)
The Department of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles has announced that its Catholic schools throughout Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties will resume on-campus instruction in the fall. Click here to read the letter from Paul M. Escala, Superintendent of Schools. (En español)
COVID-19 Update (8 May 2020 — 6:00 AM)
Catholic Cemeteries and Mortuaries will be open for visitation. Click here to read full announcement and policies for visitation. (En español)
To receive updates on the coronavirus or other ADLA news and information, please visit this webpage or text ADLA to 84576.
The following government webpages offer further updates:
–LA County
–Ventura County
–Santa Barbara County
–School Information from the California Department of Public Health